Indivisible labor model of real business cycle theory As time goes by, it will become increasingly hard to differentiate between mental and manual labour. 真实经济周期学派的不可分劳动模型将来,脑力劳动和体力劳动更分不开来。
But, taiwan is an indivisible part of Chinese territory, This is an indisputable fact that the decision by Japan in the development of Japan-taiwan relations must be carried out within the framework of China-Japan relations. 但是,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,这是一个无可争议的事实,其决定了日本发展日台关系必须在中日关系的框架内进行。
Labor force property right has its significant features: dependent, indivisible and flexible used by migrant workers. 它具有自己显著的特性:所有权具有依附性、不可分割性和农民工使用劳动力的伸缩性。